Her mind is totally alienated, which, according to her mother's account, is sometimes the consequence of an confinement.
她神志恍惚,据她母亲说,这是一次坐月子以后得的病。But his strength ebbed, his eyes glazed, and he knew nothing when the train was flagged and the two men threw him into the baggage car.
当信号旗使火车停下来,这两个人把他扔进行李厢时,他已神志不清了。The patient was feverish and out of his head and had to be watched.
病人发烧,神志不清,必须有人监护。He was only ill the last two years and he was totally clear right up to the end, the most marvellous company.
他在最后两年才得了病,但整个人神志非常清醒,仍然是了不起的伴侣。Hooked up to the heart rate monitor was a pale body, staring off into the ceiling, seeming like she was off in La La land of sorts.
与心率显示器相连的是一具苍白的身躯。她呆滞地凝视着天花板的神情,让人觉得她似乎有点神志不清。To do that, they need her to be conscious and responsive through the beginning of the operation process.
要做到这些,他们需要她在手术开始到结束的过程中保持神志清醒并能做出应答。He also told the company that he was unable to make an informed decision at the time as he was intoxicated with alcohol.
他同时也向公司指出当时自己已经喝醉了神志不清,所以没办法作出明智的决定。After I realized he was lucid, I said, Hugh, the speech wasn't good enough to give anyone a heart attack!
当发现他的神志是清醒的时候,我说:“休,我的演讲还不够好,没有让所有的人都犯心脏病!”We know these three patients were conscious as they were able to respond repeatedly to the instructions we had given them.