
汉语拼音:dào guàn

道教建筑。是供 奉道教神祖、仙人,进行道教法式和修行的建筑。观(guàn)。


  1. 道教的庙。

    晋 葛洪 《<关尹子>序》:“今 陕州 灵宝县 太初观 ,乃古 函谷关 候见 老子 处, 终南 宗圣宫 乃 关尹 故宅, 周穆王 修其草楼,改号楼观,建 老子祠 。道观之兴,实祖於此。”《宋史·外国传三·高丽》:“王城有佛寺七十区而无道观。” 明 冯梦龙 《万事足·官验襟衫》:“ 柳氏 ,你寄居道观,必非良家。” 张天翼 《同乡们·夏夜梦》:“你要是没钱,道观里可不要你。”


    • This practice was followed rapidly in many local Taoist temples.


    • Studies on Fishery Resource, Environment and Their Ecological Management of Daoguanhe Reservoir.

      道观河水库渔业资源 、 环境和生态学管理的研究.

    • But really to count, to temples, Taoist, shake It'signed divination.

      不过真想算, 去寺庙 、 道观里摇签卜卦吧.

    • Ganoderma concept is the earliest Taoist Yueqing, also as three palaces.

      紫芝观是乐清最早的道观, 又名三宫殿.

    • The new Taibaishan ecology temple is doing just this.


    • Although Po Mineyama Taoist, but the Ming and Qing dynasties worshiped the gods are very different.

      宝峰山虽为道观, 但明清两朝供奉的神灵大不一样.

    • Apprenticeship, after no traces to Wuqiao and living in a Taoist temple the Shou Tu Chuan - Yi .

      出师后,浪迹至吴桥,安居在一座道观里,收徒 传艺.

    • He is one of the four marshals marshals are Ma Cheng, Zhao Gongming and Yue Fei.

      四大元帅,为王灵官手下的四位元帅,负责守护道观,巡查世间善恶.四帅为温琼 、 马晟、赵公明、岳飞四人.

    • Landscape plants in Taoism temple is an important part of Taoism temple landscaping.


    • Zhang Zai's theory on human nature terms of the base of the Theory on Universe ( Tiandao Guan ).


    • View Road, an area of 170 mu, the environment elegant, antique architectural style, rich Taoist characteristics.

      道观占地170多亩, 环境优雅, 仿古建筑别具风格, 富有道教特色.