Did you believe him when he said he had given up smoking? A leopard cannot change its spots.
例句:他说戒烟你真的相信吗?江山易改,本性难移啊。What governs history is human nature, which is (a) in a state of shocking disrepair and (b) absolutely unalterable.
创造历史的是人类的天性,而人类的天性是(a)处于令人震惊的年久失修的状态以及(b)江山易改,本性难移。Agrael Leopards do not change their spots, nor succubi their alliances. Bad decision. Bye-bye, sweetie.
阿格雷尔江山易改,本性难移。女妖永远是恶魔的盟友。糟糕的决定。再见了,亲爱的。As the saying goes, "old habits die hard" , our earnest attempts to break those habits often end in frustration.
正如俗话所说:本性难移,我们认真的努力要改掉它却总以失败告终。You know a leopard never changes his spots.
你应该懂得江山易改,本性难移的道理。With a whole world collapsing, the Kuomintang leaders, true to their nature, think only of saving their property.
尽管天崩地陷,国民党的头头们仍然本性难移,一心想的就是保住自己的家产。Old habits die hard, how can we change our years of eating habits and lifestyle, that is no easy feat. . .
所谓“江山易改,本性难移”,几十年的饮食、生活习惯等等,如何能改变,自己很难做得到…A dictator is unlikely to become a good leader in a democracy. A leopard cannot change its spots.
独裁者不太可能成为民主制度下优秀的领导人。江山易改,本性难移。There is an old saying that comes from the Bible, "The leopard cannot change his spots. "