
汉语拼音:yǒng xīn



  1. 唐玄宗 时期宫廷歌伎名。本名 许和子 , 吉州 (今 江西省 吉安市 ) 永新县 乐家女。被选入教坊“宜春院”为“内人”,遂以其籍贯名。善歌,能变化新声。

    五代 王仁裕 《开元天宝遗事·歌直千金》:“宫伎 永新 者,善歌,最受 明皇 宠爱,每对御奏歌,则丝竹之声莫能遏。帝常谓左右曰:‘此女歌值千金。’” 唐 乐曲《永新妇》即据此取名。参阅 唐 段安节 《乐府杂录·歌》。


    • Under such a good performance, Yongxin shares why investors suffered the cold?

      如此好的业绩下, 永新股份为何遭遇投资者冷待?

    • Always new countless beautiful children, greater glory is striven for.

      永新无数佳儿女, 更大光荣争取哉.

    • Yongxin agency fire team, dragon and lion playing, bursts of percussion, Jingyuan throughout the land.

      永新社火队, 舞龙耍狮, 锣鼓阵阵, 响彻靖远大地.

    • The other 5 Kiangsi regiments then hastily withdrew to the county town of Yunghsin.


    • In Yongxin language of Gan dialect, e has been widely used as an degree adverb.

      在赣方言永新话中, “恶”被广泛地用作程度副词.

    • In the border area there are altogether five county committees , in Ningkang Suichuan and Linghsien.

      边区共有宁冈 、 永新、莲花、遂川、酃县五个县委.

    • On the next day we advanced and occupied Yunghsin , but withdrew to Ningkang shortly afterwards.

      翌日进占永新, 随即退回宁冈.