Attlee was an Oxford man.
At Harvard the young students evidently still think independently on these matters.
There is a library football field gym and pool too.
We will never forget the history as offspring nowadays.
Never has there been such unbridled license among the scholars.
West campus buildings, like the frame type mother hug each students.
西校区框子型的大楼, 像母亲拥抱着每一位学子.
Why is a Harvard teaching future leader to honk like geese?
This set the whole band agog.
The scholars held their peace.
Active and healthy, mind stretch, thinking, active, well - informed, comprehensive ability of students has become primitive features.
活泼健康 、 心灵舒展 、 思维活跃 、 见多识广 、 综合能力强已成为了本原学子的特征.
Conceited for all our talents, only we can taste the special bitterness in doing translation.
做翻译之苦,个中的滋味, 也只有我们这些自负满腹才华的学子才能体会到.
Scout education what the school applies to positively influence the young boys and girls.
It is because Japanese like privatization, the target of which is other's culture for enrichment purpose.
>日人在西化之馀,仍教学子算盘 、 道及唐诗.
Teaching, is to know how to discover and correct the mistakes the students were.
教书的人, 就是善于发现并纠正学子的失误之人.
The garden - like landscape, with the Wanquan River meandering through, has inspired and motivated generations of students.
园内林木俊秀, 清澈的万泉河水从腹地蜿蜒流过, 滋润着一代代清华学子高洁的志趣和情操.