
汉语拼音:bèi tǎ



  1. 佛塔。

    隋 江总 《庚寅年二月十二日游虎丘山精舍》诗:“贝塔涵流动,花臺偏领芬。”


    • However, estimate of beta is reached with the past data.

      但是, 贝塔系数必须要用过去的数据来估计.

    • At this point, Bertelsmann completely withdraw from book sales business in China.

      至此, 贝塔斯曼全面退出在华图书销售业务.

    • Albertosaurus was a meat eater. It killed other dinosaurs to eat them.

      阿尔贝塔龙是肉食动物, 它捕食其它的恐龙.

    • Sonja Bate has collected a lot of shoes - over 10,000 pairs!


    • These expansions are given in the form of series of beta distribution.


    • So Bertelsmann Direct Group decided to give up business in China.


    • I love Bertelsmann, and I look forward to again return to Bertelsmann.

      我爱贝塔斯曼, 我期待贝塔斯曼能再次归来.

    • Beta is the secretion of amyloid beta protein produced the key enzyme.


    • Yeah, Well it helps when you've got a Beta full of missiles!

      是的, 你有一架装满导弹的贝塔机的话会很有帮助的!

    • China is closing the stores belonging to Bertelsmann Direct Group's business.


    • Allall, after the departure of Bertelsmann's book market Miwuchongchong.

      总而言之, 贝塔斯曼离开后的图书市场迷雾重重.

    • Bertelsmann headquarters building in Shanghai, from the start wrong.

      贝塔斯曼把总部建在上海, 从一开始就错了.

    • The future of exotic beta is likely to be similar.


    • Tony Almeida : what do you want me to do, Alberta?

      托尼.阿梅达: 你想要我干什么?阿贝塔?

    • And outstanding, should become photograph comparing on the high side of Beidasiman.

      和卓越 、 当当相比,贝塔斯曼的书价偏高.