It was just discussed during an international health conference held in Benin.
Grace Dotou was honored for her work in Benin.
Embassy of the Republic of Benin?
The picture shows the Convention Hall in Benin.
Benin, Ghana and Ivory Coast have thousands of current cases of Buruli Ulcer ulcer disease.
贝宁湾, 加纳和象牙海岸目前有上千例此病.
Since 1960 Benin's maritime industry has developed at a rather slow pace. "
They will also carry commodities as wood and cotton from Benin to China.
Benin , Ghana and Ivory Coast have thousands of current cases of Buruli ulcer disease.
Benin, Ghana and Ivory Coast have thousands of health officals current cases of Buruli ulcer disease.
贝宁湾 、 迦纳和象牙海岸正出现着数千几这样的病例.
On April 14, 2008, the President of Benin Yayiboni personally inaugurated for the building.
2008年4月14日, 贝宁总统亚伊?博尼亲自为大楼揭牌.
They include Benin, Ethiopia, Ghana and Kenya, along with Liberia, Madagascar, Mali and Zambia.
他们是:贝宁湾, 埃塞俄比亚, 加纳,肯尼亚, 利比里亚, 马达加斯加, 马里和赞比亚.
Benin, Ghana and Ivory Coast have thousands of current cases of buruli Buruli ulcer disease.
贝宁, 加纳和象牙海岸现在有成千例布路里溃疡病例.