
汉语拼音:fù xíng




  1. 谓赋予人或物以某种形体。

    南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·丽辞》:“造化赋形,支体必双。” 清 俞蛟 《梦厂杂著·蜰虫》:“夫蜰虫与蚊蚋蚤蝨,赋形虽殊,其噬人肤血则一也。”

  2. 谓模拟形体。

    唐 韩愈 《嘲鼾睡》诗之二:“赋形苦不同,无路寻根本。” 清 赵翼 《瓯北诗话·查初白诗》:“内召以后,更细意熨贴,因物赋形,无一字不稳愜。” 梁启超 《历史与人种之关系》:“自 罗马 解纽以后,而后之新民族,皆赋形于 罗马 。”


    • The oily vehicle is unpleasant to most patients.


    • This thesis is arming at investigating the multi - beam forming arithmetic.

      本文主要是针对飞行器共形天线 多波束 赋形算法开展研究.

    • As the key technique of the smart antenna, the beam - forming algorithm has enjoyed widespread popularity.

      作为智能天线的关键技术之一, 波束赋形算法引起了众多学者的广泛关注.

    • Samples of Excipients ( other than solvents, gases and water ) and APIs must be retained.

      赋形剂 ( 除溶剂 、 气体和水外 ) 和原料药的样品必须保留.

    • Objective To investigate the effect of triamcinolone acetonide ( TA ) with different dosage and excipient on retina.

      目的研究曲安奈德 ( TA ) 玻璃体内注射的不同剂量和有无赋形剂对视网膜的影响.

    • Conclusion: Using available equipment, suitable excipients and technology can prepare a qualified rapid - disintegrated oral tablets.

      结论: 采用国内现有设备, 运用适宜的赋形剂及工艺可制出合格的口腔速崩片.

    • Mannitol , a typical pharmaceutical excipient, was selected as the solute in aqueous solution.

      选用通用的配药赋形剂甘露醇, 作为水溶液的溶质.

    • Excipients refer to the vehicles and additives intended for manufacturing drug dosage forms and prescription dispensing.


    • This paper presents a new pattern synthesis algorithm for arbitrary arrays based on adaptive array theory.


    • Pharmaceutical Raw Material, Bulk Drug Intermediates, Fine Chemicals, Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients, Excipients and Drug formulation.

      采购产品制药原料, 原料药中间体, 精细化学品, 原料药, 赋形剂和药物.

    • Pharmaceutical Machinery, Pharmaceutical formulations, Pharma Machinery , Tablet Filler Binders, Excipients and Drug formulation Pharmaceutical Machinery.

      采购产品制药机械, 制药配方, 制药机械, 片填料的粘合剂, 赋形剂和药物.

    • CS manifests itself in working form, while DM hid in feeling and sentiment.

      赋形偏重于绘形, 写意着眼于感悟.

    • Patented fibre complex of organic plant source. Excipients: microcrystalline cellulose, dihydrate, silica, povidone and magnesium stearate.

      已申请专利的植物来源纤维素. 赋形剂: 微晶纤维, 磷酸钙化合物, 硅, 磷脂酸镁.

    • To investigate the effect of triamcinolone acetonide ( TA ) with different dosage and excipient on retina.

      研究曲安奈德 ( TA ) 玻璃体内注射的不同剂量和有无赋形剂对视网膜的影响.

    • Interference in CDMA systems can be suppressed by power control, beamforming and multiuser detection.

      应用功率控制 、 波束赋形和多用户检测可以有效地消除和减少CDMA系统中的干扰.