However, the risk of non sudden cardiac death did not rise with the increase in heart rate.
然而,非猝死心源性死亡(还是非心源性猝死?)的风险不随心率的增加而增加。Objective: To assess the relationship between exposure to endogenous ovarian hormones and the risk of noncardioembolic ischemic stroke.
目的:评估内源性卵巢雌激素暴露和非心源栓子性缺血性卒中风险之间的关系。We assessed whether LVH is an independent predictor of MI-independent HF.
本研究对LVH是否为非心梗性心衰的独立预测因子进行评价。Methods: The clinical manifestations of 9 cases with DINCPE were analyzed and its diagnosis and emergency treatment discussed.
方法:分析9例药物所致非心源性肺水肿的临床表现,探讨其诊断及急救措施。Objective: To improve the understanding of drug-induced non- cardiogenic pulmonary edema (DINCPE).
目的:提高对药物所致非心源性肺水肿的认识。Be not the embolus of heart source sex, commonner is adipose embolus and air embolus .
非心源性的栓子,较常见的是脂肪栓子和空气栓子。abstract: Objective To investigate the X-ray features of non cardiogenic pulmonary edema(NCPE).
目的探讨非心源性肺水肿(NCPE)的胸部X线影像表现。Results: The high cure rate of DINCPE was observed if treatment began at early stage.
结果:药物所致非心源性肺水肿的早期治愈率较高,但早期诊断易被忽视。Approximately one-third of strokes in AF patients are noncardioembolic.