汉语拼音:lǚ jiàn bù xiān
原作数(shuò)见不鲜。《史记·郦生陆贾列传》:“一岁中往来过他客,率不过再三过,数见不鲜,无久慁(hùn)公为也。” 原意是常到别人家去就无新鲜的酒食供应了。后用以形容事物看见过多次,就不会觉得新奇。
- 【解释】:屡:多次;鲜:新鲜,新奇。常常见到,并不新奇。
- 【出自】:《史记·郦生陆贾列传》:“一岁中往来过他客,率不过再三过,数见不鲜,天久慁公为也。”
- 【示例】:搜身的纠葛,在香港~。
◎鲁迅《而已集·略谈香港》 - 【语法】:复句式;作谓语、定语;指多次见到,并不新奇
Such a thing in the "relocation" in common, we have the psychological preparation of you also got used of this kind of things.
这样的事情在“动迁”里屡见不鲜,我们也有心理准备大家也见怪不怪了。Day continued to broadcast on the loss of human nature, moral decay is the thing it is often seen.
每天陆陆续续播报的关于人性缺失,道德沦丧的事情已经是屡见不鲜了。"Why this huge isolation of the church and this huge focus on cover-up in the church when it has been going on for centuries? " he asked.
他问到:“性侵犯事件几百年来屡见不鲜,为什么现在却如此大张旗鼓单挑教会出来替罪?为什么现在却只对教会的掩饰行为作如此巨大的聚焦?”But the matter often came up in interviews.
但在采访时这类事实已屡见不鲜。In reality, experts researchers on dating violence and unintended pregnancy say, it's Leyla's version of that story is all too common.
事实上,研究校园暴力和意外怀孕的专家们称,莱拉的经历现在已经屡见不鲜了。Attacks on immigrants are nothing new in South Africa, and it's very easy to see where the tension is coming from.
“移民遭袭”在南非已是屡见不鲜,并且很容易看出问题出在哪里。He tells the story as an illustration of the sort of religious violence that has become all too common in Indonesia.
他讲述着这个故事,作为在印尼已经屡见不鲜的宗教暴力的例证。Not infrequently, the flames of conflict flare up again just a few weeks or months after a cease-fire is signed.
有时候,停火协议签订后只几个月,甚或几个星期,战火又再燃起,这种情况屡见不鲜。In fact, even the mature nation like the United States, academic moral problem also be bad .