Voltaire was a famous French satirist.
He was a man of much worldly wisdom, and in some ways resembled Voltaire.
他精于人情世故, 在某些方面酷似伏尔泰.
A long dispute means that both parties are wrong. ( Voltaire )
持久的争论意味着双方都是错的. ( 伏尔泰 )
Tears are the silent language of grief. ( Voltaire, French philosopher )
眼泪是无声的、悲伤的语言. ( 法国哲学家伏尔泰 )
I resonate greatly with the views of Schopenhauer, Voltaire, Nietzsche, Freud.
我非常认同叔本华 、 伏尔泰 、 尼采 、 弗洛伊德的观点.
Voltaire ( Francois Marie Arouet ) once talked about it.
The ten - franc note was my favorite - prited Voltaire.
十法郎纸币是我的最爱 -- 上面印着伏尔泰的头像.
In my younger days I read Voltaire's writings.
There are some that only employ words for the purpose of disguising their thoughts.
French Enlightenment writer, deist and philosopher Voltaire died at the age of 84 on May 30 th.
1778年5月30日,法国启蒙作家 、 自然神论信仰者、哲学家伏尔泰逝世.
Work banishes those three great evils: boredom, vice, and poverty. ( Voltaire, French Philosopher )
工作撵跑三个魔鬼: 无聊, 堕落和贫穷. ( 法国哲学家伏尔泰 )
Voltaire , the famous French writer, spent a year there in 1717~1718, and another 12 days in 1726.
法国著名作家伏尔泰, 1717-1718年在巴士底狱呆了一年,接着在1726年又关了12天.
I didn't mention that I had withheld a ten - franc note engraved with Voltaire's crafty visage.
A day, fu Ertai says to him: " Joseph, take my leather shoes. "
一天, 伏尔泰对他说: “ 约瑟夫, 把我的皮鞋拿来. ”
For Adam, the home of heaven so that he and his descendants home is Paradise.
对于亚当, 天堂使他的家,而他的后裔,家就是天堂.--伏尔泰.