
  1. 衰微,衰败。

    《诗·邶风·式微》:“式微式微,胡不归。” 朱熹 集传:“式,发语辞。微,犹衰也。” 明 归有光 《张翁八十寿序》:“予以故家大族德厚源远,能自振于式微之后。” 郭沫若 《十批判书·古代研究的自我批判》:“ 武王 以前的 周 室没有什么高度的文化, 平王 以后的 周 室则是式微得不堪了。” 茅盾 《一个女性》:“谁曾从丰裕跌落到贫乏,从高贵跌落到式微,那他对于世态炎凉的感觉,大概要加倍的深切罢。”

  2. 《诗·邶风》篇名。

    《诗序》说, 黎侯 流亡于 卫 ,随行的臣子劝他归国。后以赋《式微》表示思归之意。《左传·襄公二十九年》:“ 荣城伯 赋《式微》乃归。” 唐 王维 《渭川田家》诗:“即此羡闲逸,悵然吟《式微》。” 唐 崔璞 《蒙恩除替呈军事院诸公郡中一二秀才》诗:“作牧惭为政,思乡念《式微》。” 清 曹寅 《胡静夫先归白门即席同用依字》诗:“十竹秋来好,连宵咏《式微》。”一说《邶风·式微》诗是表现征夫痛苦、反对徭役的作品。


  • Its embassies grow in size and influence, often surpassing those of the United States, whose power around the world seems to be waning.


  • The Romantic Movement was already underfoot in Europe, as men began to look for a warmer, more involved "God. "


  • In the beginning of the reformation in China, the movement returned to glory again, thus later it had to decline in the market economy.


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  • There was a long, fading wail as it tumbled toward the luminous creatures waiting below, then a splash, then silence.


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  • Over the next five years, governments and central banks will suck investors into subsidising economic growth through volatility.


  • Similarly, many Europeans may yearn for a less interventionist America; but an isolationist superpower could be much more frightening.
