汉语拼音:rén yún yì yún
人家怎么说,自己也跟着怎么说。形容没有主见。金蔡松年《槽声同彦高赋》:“槽床过竹春泉句,他日人云吾亦云。” 亦:也。云:说。
- 【解释】:云:说;亦:也。人家怎么说,自己也跟着怎么说。指没有主见,只会随声附和。
- 【出自】:金·蔡松年《槽声同彦高赋》诗:“槽床过竹春泉句,他日人云吾亦云。”
- 【示例】:刊物内容如果只是“~”,格式如果只是“亦步亦趋”,那是刊物的尾巴主义。
- 【语法】:复句式;作谓语、定语、状语;含贬义
Yet Specter insisted he would not be a rubber stamp for the president.
然而Specter坚持说,在总统面前他不会人云亦云。They knew media reporters would parrot every bit of gossip without bothering with lowly fact-checking.
他们知道媒体从业人员会人云亦云地传播每一条留言的每一个细节,而不去做一些简单的事实求证。"You really should have your own judgment and opinions, instead of following others blindly, " she said.
你一定要有自己独立的判断和见解,而不是人云亦云。He was professor of physics in the high school, possessor of a large family, a meagre salary, and a select fund of parrot-learned knowledge.
他是中学的物理老师,养着一大家人,薪水微薄,有一肚子精挑细选的人云亦云的知识。A lot of men on dating sites send a sort of generic message and women recognize something that hasn't been customized for them.
在调查中,亨明斯说道:“很多男人在交友网站上发送一些空泛的信息,女人会辨认出这些人云亦云的对话。”And, like other journalists, they are inclined to a herd mentality and the lead of a few A-list reviewers.
此外和记者一样,这一行也有羊群效应和从众心理,少数一流的评论员说了什么,大多数人便开始人云亦云。You may find he is voicing different ideas and opinions but in reality he is just sharing his views and musings with you.
你可能觉得他没有主见,老是人云亦云,但是其实他只是在和你分享自己的观点和想法罢了。Don't set your goals by what other people deem important . Only you know what is best for you .
不要人云亦云地确定自己的目标,只有你自己才知道,对你来说什么是最好的。Yet making big money, beating the market, is doable if you don't follow the herd, if you think outside the box.