Hearst expanded his editorial staff.
" Or you can always find the number in the magazine. Ask for the editorial offices.
“ 你还可以在杂志上找到电话号码,向他们要编辑部.
A reference file in a newspaper or magazine office.
A third threat went to the newsroom of the Irish Independent newspaper.
When the game was over, the reporters called in their stories.
比赛结束后, 记者们纷纷打电话把特写报告给编辑部.
The Editorial Projects in the Education Research Center repair ( prepared ) the report.
教育研究中心 编辑部 起草了这项报告.
I am on the editorial staff of the newspaper.
External interchang of college journals is a important work of editorial department.
The editorial office teachers that reader incoming letter respects: You are good!
读者来信尊敬的编辑部老师们: 您们好!
Press releases began deluging newsrooms , touting the benefits of antibacterial honey.
Magazine editorial director of the China Exchange Asia , said Yang.
Did not write a letter to editorial office again so.
Leave first, the colleague of editorial office also has hesitated for this.
开初, 编辑部的同仁也为此而踌躇过.
If have need, contact with print editorial office please.
如有需要, 请与本刊编辑部联系.
Authors: Editorial Department of Journal of Dalian Official.
作者: 《大连干部学刊》编辑部.