To add to his troubles , Ming - fang seemed to be avoiding him.
尤其使他不安的是, 鸣凤好像故意在躲避他.
Ming - feng timidly approached shyly . " Third Young Master,'she called gently.
鸣凤 看见他不抬头,便走到桌子旁边胆怯地但也温柔地叫了一声: “ 三少爷. ”
" I won't tell you. " Ming - feng's voice shook a little.
“ 不告诉你, ” 这是 鸣凤 的微微颤动的声音.
Wan - erh asked Ming - feng softly. She spoke more slowly than usual.
婉儿用更低的声音问 鸣凤 道,声音很温和,比她平时说话慢了些.
Ming - feng seemed to awake from a dream and her expression changed.
鸣凤 好像从梦中醒过来似的,她的脸色马上变了.
Shu - hua turned and went back into the house. Mingfeng quietly followed her.
说毕她便转身向上房走回去, 鸣凤一声不响地跟着她走了.
Turning to Ming - feng he said, " It's Second Young Master, all right. "
“果然是他,”他自语道,又转身回去对 鸣凤 说, “ 果然是二少爷. ”
But when she heard the girl's tragic weeping, she paused in surprise.
现在她才注意到鸣凤的这种不寻常的举动,而且也听见了这个少女的悲惨的哭声, 她惊愕地闭了口,注意地观察鸣凤的举动.
Ming - feng's face was bloodless . She was gasping so hard, she couldn't speak.
鸣凤 脸无人色,口里喘着气, 半晌 说 不出一句话.
" Enough,'she said happily. " I've got three now; that's plenty. "
“ 够了,这三枝就够了, ” 鸣凤 欢喜 地说.
After he left, I remained there until Ming - feng called me to lunch.
他去了, 我还留着,一直到 鸣凤 来叫我吃饭的时候.
" If you want blossoms, why not let Ming - feng get them for you? "
你要梅花, 喊鸣凤来折好了,何必要亲自动手? ’
Chueh - min also put his bowl down. Ming - feng handed him a damp face - cloth.
他也放下了碗筷, 鸣凤 便绞了一张脸帕给他送过来.
He rapped more loudly, and called in a low voice, " Ming - feng , Ming - feng. "
他又较重地敲了两下, 低声唤着: “ 鸣凤, 鸣凤. ”
Shuchen , the most timid of the girls , stuck close to Mingfeng.
淑贞最胆小, 便拉了鸣凤靠着她走.