汉语拼音:yī bài tú dì
形容失败到不可收拾的地步。《史记·高祖本纪》:“今置将不善,一败涂地。” 涂地:肝脑涂地的略语,形容死得很惨。
- 【解释】:形容失败到了不可收拾的地步。
- 【出自】:《史记·高祖本纪》:“天下方扰,诸侯并起,今置将不善,壹败涂地。”
- 【语法】:紧缩式;作谓语、定语、补语;含贬义
But Greece's collapsing economy and the ruin of his business would soon push him to a more determined effort.
但由于希腊经济分崩离析,生意也是一败涂地,过后不久他再次试图自杀,而且心意更加坚决。My stomach was proof that I had failed, that it had failed me, that it was broken.
我的肚子证明我一败涂地,我的肚子辜负了我,形同破烂。With weakened allies in Congress, he would have to be a centrist president or an outright failure.
当他在国会的盟友遭到削弱时,他将不得不成为一个中间派总统,否则就将一败涂地。Badly beaten , the enemy had to fall back in disorder .
敌军被打得一败涂地,乱成一团向后撤退。He was ruined past hope now; his destruction would be immediate and sure, and he would be an outcast and friendless.
现在他是一败涂地,毫无希望了;他已经注定了马上就要完蛋,成为一个无家可归,无亲无友的可怜虫。In the great literary struggle of the times, the Romantic writers had been rendered irrelevant, vanquished by changing circumstances.
浪漫主义作家奋力地在文学上与时间作对,结果早被不断变化的环境消磨得脱离现实、一败涂地。But you weren't so smug when you returned to be zapped by his retail magic and the "Game Over" screen.
但当你被售货员的魔法打得一败涂地,你就不会那么自鸣得意了。Their leveraged bets went sour, and the derivatives they thought insured them against any shock turned out to be worse than worthless.
当巨大的赌注一败涂地时,保障他们免受任何冲击的金融衍生品也变得一文不值。Diversification has been a washout: stock markets have been almost perfectly correlated with each other.