汉语拼音:bìng jià qí qū
- 【解释】:并驾:几匹马并排拉着一辆车;齐驱:一齐快跑。并排套着的几匹马一齐快跑。比喻彼此的力量或才能不分高下。
- 【出自】:南朝·梁·刘勰《文心雕龙·附会》:“是以驷牡异力,而六辔如琴;并驾齐驱,而一毂统辐。”
- 【示例】:若让我估量这本书的总价值,我以为只逊于《红楼梦》一筹,与《儒林外史》是可以~的。
◎朱自清《歧路灯》 - 【语法】:联合式;作谓语;用于人或其他事物
Sadly, what was forgotten amid the Bush-era hubris was that America's edge always has been as much moral and economic as military.
美国在道德和经济方面的优势总是与军事优势并驾齐驱。不幸的是,傲慢的布什总统忘记了这一点。So, until you get used to interacting with other drivers, you aren't going to be ready to take the test.
因此,只有当你习惯与其他司机在同一条路上并驾齐驱时,才能说你做好考驾照的准备了。It would guarantee European peace as well as restore European geopolitical power, with a currency on a par with the U. S. dollar.
欧洲诞生一个能与美元并驾齐驱的货币,将确保欧洲的和平,恢复欧洲的地缘政治威力。Obama also leads McCain or is tied with him in several key states that will provide the margin of victory on Tuesday.
奥巴马也在下星期二投票选举中能够产生胜差的几个关键州和麦凯恩并驾齐驱。It was incredible to see how his talent for technical construction ran in parallel with his desire to make women look beautiful.
令人难以置信的是,他在制作手艺层面的才华,与他那种为女人带来美丽的渴望是并驾齐驱的。Memories of my son's birth will always be bittersweet for me , but it was at the time that I learned an important truth about living.
回忆其儿子的出生,我总是感到既心酸又甜蜜,然而正是那时我学到了生活中一条重要的真谛,快乐于悲伤并驾齐驱,并且总是会相互纠缠;This war is also designed to increase the power of communism to the level that it equalled that of united Christendom.
这场战争还被设计来增加共产主义的势力到一个它与联合的基督教世界并驾齐驱的水平。Arsenal are prepared to break their transfer record in January to ensure that Arsene Wenger can keep pace with Manchester United.
阿森纳正准备在一月份打破他们的转会记录以确保温格能同曼联并驾齐驱。You try hard to be familiar with a broad range of technologies and environments, and you work to keep abreast of new developments.