The money they spent on armaments runs into tens of billions.
A $ 30 billion bailout by the IMF helped Brazil avert the disaster.
The global halal market is worth some $ 580 billion annually.
Billions of dollars are being spent to prevent and treat HIV.
The flooding also resulted in thousands of millions of dollars in property damage.
Whether it is exerted by ten men or by ten billion, political authority is force.
政治权力﹐无论是让十个人挥霍或是让百亿人挥霍 ﹐ 最后还是所谓的强迫力>>.
And foreign investment has increased from around $ 50 billions to over $ 1270 billions per year.
Yet Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg, now 25, seems intent on deferring that multibillion dollar payday.
不过, 现年25岁的扎克伯格似乎想让百亿美元推迟到帐.
Darkness swallowed millions of planets like tidewater. sunflowers withered, flocks of migratory birds attending the funeral.
黑暗像潮水吞没几百亿个星球. 向日葵大片枯死.候鸟成群结队地送葬.
A light - year is about 6 trillion miles, the distance light travels in a year.
一 光年 大约6百亿亿英里, 即光行走一年的距离.
Telemarketing fraud - using the phone to swindle and cheat - robs U.S. consumers of about $ 40 billion a year.
The $ 350 billion tax question is whether para - currency networks would ever rise above unofficial status.
They cut tens of billions from versions in the Senate and the House of Representatives.
Total pension deficits are estimated at between three hundred and four hundred fifty thousand million dollars.
Tens of billions of the size of a fund fund manager told reporters.