汉语拼音:yǎn qí xī gǔ
放倒军旗,停敲战鼓。原指不暴露目标,秘密行军。也指停止战斗。《三国志·蜀书·赵云传》裴松之注引《赵云别传》:“而云入营,更大开门,偃旗息鼓,公军疑有伏兵,引去。” 后也用以比喻事情中止或声势减弱。
- 【解释】:偃:仰卧,引伸为倒下。放倒旗子,停止敲鼓。原指行军时隐蔽行踪,不让敌人觉察。现比喻事情终止或声势减弱。
- 【出自】:《三国志·蜀书·赵云传》裴松之注引《赵云别传》:“云入营,更大开门,偃旗息鼓,公军疑云有伏兵,引去。”
- 【示例】:秦显家的听了,轰去了魂魄,垂头丧气,登时~,卷包而去。
◎清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第六十二回 - 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语、宾语;比喻停止斗争等
He did not see Mlynar, who by then had retreated and worked in a museum; that would have been political suicide.
他没有见到姆林纳,后者已偃旗息鼓到博物馆工作了,这也就意味着政治自杀。Thank goodness the strike was nipped in the bud by some clever negotiation. Otherwise, things could really get out of control.
谢天谢地,罢工还没闹腾起来就因为明智的谈判而偃旗息鼓。不然的话,局面真会变得不可控制。In the wake of erstwhile acquisitive operators like the UK's Vodafone, China Mobile is now planning a shopping spree.
继英国沃达丰(Vodafone)之类老牌的“贪婪运营商”偃旗息鼓之后,现在,中国移动(ChinaMobile)正计划大举收购。The couple married in a small civil ceremony in Windsor, ending years of gossip about a relationship of more than 30 years.
两人在温莎举行了一个“平民婚礼”,结为连理。至此,关于他们长达30多年恋情的流言蜚语也终于偃旗息鼓。With the opposition out of action, the most potent criticism of Mr Tusk and his government is coming from the media and think-tanks.
随着反对派偃旗息鼓,对图斯克和其政府主要的批评来自于媒体和思想家们。I've asked him to back off, to give me some space, but he gets really hurt and rejected, and I end up comforting him.
我告诉他退后一点,给我一点空间,别老粘着我,可是这让他颇感拒绝和受伤,最后我自己不得不先偃旗息鼓了。A shock like the one we'd just sustained could cause a massive withdrawal from, and major contraction in, economic activity .
象我们正在经受的这种惊骇是可以引起经济活动偃旗息鼓大幅萎缩的。The idea of a rights issue has not disappeared with brokers fuelling the debate about Rio's future.
随着经纪公司在有关力拓未来的争论中推波助澜,增发股票的主张并未偃旗息鼓。Emerging markets may have ended a decade-long secular re-evaluation and the ridiculous Bric trade appears to be dead.