But, in very truth, she is right as regards this hateful token.
不过, 的的确确, 她对这可恨的标记的看法是没错的.
Yes, sir, they turned loose every convict who was willing to fight.
的的确确的, 先生, 他们把所有愿意打仗的犯人都放掉.
It was in fact very good beer, dark, sweet and smooth.
那的的确确是一种很好很好的啤酒, 颜色深深的, 香气扑鼻,真叫人痛快.
We were expected to work all the time, which appears reasonable enough.
他恨不得我们时时刻刻都在工作, 这看上去也的的确确在理.
The boat had'smelt " the bar in good earnest.
这只船已经的的确确地 “ 觉出 ” 那个沙滩了.
Maybe hard work never killed anybody, but It'sure has destroyed a lot of marriages.
也许,繁重的工作确实从来没累死过人, 但它的的确确毁坏了许多婚姻.
It was really snore. Ah Q whispered Wang Hu's ear.
的的确确是鼾声, 阿Q对着王胡耳语一番.
Indeed, a journey through Cairo is a journey through time.
的的确确, 穿越开罗的旅行就是一次穿越时空的旅程.
The children were literally staring.
It really shows the intellect of the nature.
He was literally blue with cold.
He literally collapsed with laughter.
Yes I know it hurtsalso felt the pain.
What happened next is hard to believe, but it's true. And it all seemed quite natural.
接下来发生的事令人难以置信, 然而的的确确是真的, 而且一切似乎都十分自然.
It's certainly true that soccer presents some unique challenges for incorporating instant - replay tech in any form.