The runway of this airport is undergoing expansion to accommodate large planes.
We cannot afford to drop behind our competitors.
The aircraft circled the landing - field.
With his eyes closed, the room seemed to be dipping and wheeling around.
他合着眼, 只觉得屋子围着他在起落旋转.
They rise or squat suddenly, or jump while spinning.
忽而跃起、蹲落,拧身旋转而起, 如鹰隼起落扶摇直上.
Please wipe excess oil from engine nacelles and landing gears.
They see me as, as one of those throwback fighters.
他们看我是我就是, 我就是一种有起落的拳手.
One Trident 258 on local training, making touch and go landing.
Curled up to fall for a ground autumns.
The traffic patterns around o'hare are very crowded.
I experienced ups and downs, tears and laughter.
Chinese history is full of alternating of dynasties, and fall of thrones and mysteries.
王朝的更迭, 皇权的起落,使中国的几千年历史充满了神秘.
Between river tide rise , I remember fondly the boat, has inundated the historical long dike.
在江潮的起落之间, 我的怀想之舟, 已漫过了历史长长的堤岸.
I felt precariously balanced between the two as I loped across a meadow.
And, unlike jets, turboprops can use roads and fields for takeoff and landing.
而且不同于喷气式战机, 涡轮螺旋桨飞机可以使用公路和田野起落.