
汉语拼音:lún qín

X射线或γ射线的照射量单位,1伦琴约等于1居里的放射线在1小时内所放出的射线量。这个单位名称是为纪念德国物理学家伦琴(Wilhelm Konrad Röntgen)而定的。


    • From near and far reporters streamed to interview Rontgen.


    • Rontgen went on to try to find out more about these strange invisible rays.

      伦琴对X射线 作了进一步研究.

    • In actual practice, measuring instruments do not directly determine the number of roentgens.

      在实际应用时, 测量仪器并不能直接测定伦琴数.

    • Ionization in a free - air chamber is the standard process for measuring x - and r - ray exposure ( in roentgens ).

      自由空气电离室中的电离作用是量度x和r射线照射量 ( 伦琴 ) 的标准方法.

    • Rontgen's having discovered X - rays contributed much to world's science.


    • Roentgen discovered X - rays; Darwin found many new species on the Galapagos Islands.

      伦琴发现了x射线; 这里发现了很多古物.

    • Rontgen's discovery was a stone with its waves.


    • William Roentgen discovered X - rays.

      威廉?伦琴发现了 X 射线.

    • Medical X - rays are well - known, but they are not focused images castray discoverer Wilhelm Roentgen in 1895.

      众所周知的是医学用的 X 射线, 但是它们并不是聚焦成象的——只是光线通过身体投下的影子,利用的是1895年威廉·伦琴率先发明的技术.

    • Rontgen put his hand before X - ray, he saw the bones of his hands only.

      伦琴把手放在 X 射线前面时, 只见到手上的骨头.