There were more civilians working for the police, freeing officers from desk jobs.
They are regularly sent booklets about personal safety, but they barely read them as they have so much paperwork to deal with.
This same metaphor of transparency applies to copywriting on the web.
The display URL is part of that ad copy.
Good writing skill, the ability of drafting business documents, meeting minutes, etc.
有良好的文字表达能力, 能起草基本的商务公文 、 会议纪要 、 行政文案.
Shares responsibility for the execution of all printed materials with copywriter.
Official documents are no longer written on lambskin.
The detective was detailed to a desk job.
In charge of paper work and text proofreading.
The advertising copy is the elucidation text, which must be written according to the formula of AIDA.
文案是说明文, 应基本遵照AIDA公式来写作.
The average hourly wage for clerical workers in Korea is $ 7.94, compared with $ 1.15 in China.
而在韩国,从事文案工作的员工时薪是7.94美元, 在中国这个数字只有1.15美元.
The on the second floor and the third are intended for administration, design, AE and office.
二层和三层办公区包括行政, 设计和AE, 文案等.
Excellent ability of communication, good strategic thinking and copywriting ability, workflow control, proposal and strong execution.
具备出色的沟通能力 、 良好策略思考与文案策划能力 、 流程控制能力 、 提案能力和较强的执行力.
I started out as an advertising copywriter and , you know, moved up the agency ladders.
我一开始是从事广告文案撰写, 然后一路在公司里往上爬.
Private advisers in ancient times were people who helped officials deal with documents and letters.