The so-called blood donation is a part of your body, input to the brothers and sisters in the body, and perhaps this is called blood bar.
所谓的无偿献血,就是将你体内的一部分,输入到兄弟姐妹体内,也许这就叫作血脉相连吧。Make use of this tool, be assured that it was inspired by us so that it could help you in your global awakening as a race on this planet.
利用这个工具,请放心,它的灵感来自于我们,可协助你们在全球觉醒上血脉相连成为一体。It's called pleaching, or grafting trees together, or grafting inosculate matter into one contiguous, vascular system.
它叫“编织法”,或者说是将树木移植嫁接到一起,将可以融合的物质嫁接到一起,形成一个血脉相连的系统。No other moment enables us to better understand our connections and our shared destiny.
没有任何一个时刻更能让我们清楚地意识到,我们彼此血脉相连,我们的命运休戚与共。THE really unpleasant thing about scrapping with blood relatives is that they know where your weak points are.
与血脉相连的亲戚干架,最麻烦的就是他们知道你的弱点在哪儿。Disaster area people and our blood, related to interest-bearing, Fuhuo dependencies.
灾区人民和我们血脉相连、生息相关、福祸相依。If you share a marker with someone, it means you share an ancestor at some point in the past.
如果你和别人有一个相同标签,这说明你们血脉相连。You are blood circulateses, is ? ? ? BE ? ? ?
你们是血脉相连,是???是???。We are part of China. Our futures are forever linked.