Raise the overturned lamp.
She raised the fallen child to his feet.
He raised the man from his knees.
Kennedy raised him, it was pitiable to see his feeble limbs bend under him.
肯尼迪扶起了他,他软弱无力地跪下来, 那样子叫人看了真心酸.
To crush! To lift the lean of that blackbluff!
粉碎! 扶起黑色海崖的倾颓.
The doctor propped his patient up on the pillows.
Uprear outstanding poverty of an oasis Peng is dreariness.
Lenny swooped Tom up in one swift, gentle, effortless motion.
尼敏捷 、 温柔 、 不费力地扶起汤姆.
He raised the fallen child to its feet.
The heavy wind lashed the waves into fury.
Moved by the scene, Menelaus helped her up let her forget the past.
看到眼前的情形,墨涅劳斯深受感动, 他扶起海伦,让她忘掉过去的一切.
The LORD upholdeth all that fall, and raiseth upall those that be bowed down.
凡跌倒的, 耶和华将他们扶持;凡被压下的,将他们扶起.
He takes out a little bottle . takes out a pill and puts it into White mouth.
从身边掏出一只小瓶子, 倒出一粒丹药,上前,扶起白雪,喂到她嘴里.
Come on, ( takes her up by the arm ) climb in the cab and go home.
乔:来, ( 用肩膀扶起她 ) 我们上车回家.
Peter was coated in cement and sand, but we pecked him up and dusted him down.
彼得满身都是水泥和沙子, 我们把他扶起,给他弹弹干净.