The argument about "conceding" numerical inequality was due either to a misunderstanding or to demagoguery.
所谓我们“承认”了数量的不平等,这不是出于误解就是想蛊惑人心。Samantha had the kind of deluded self-confidence that caused men like Ross Perot to run for President.
萨曼莎有一种蛊惑人心的自信,这种自信可以让罗斯·佩罗去竞选总统。He has painted Mr Berisha as a demagogue in charge of a deeply corrupt government, arguing that it is time for a change.
他将Berisha描述成一个管理着极度腐败的政府而且蛊惑人心的领导者,坚持主张现在时改变的时候了。But her bid to control prices, her rabble-rousing instincts and her scheming were all alarming.
但是她操控价格确有其事,她的蛊惑人心和诡计多端也不得不让人警觉。It was the Public that first staged "The Normal Heart" , Larry Kramer's raging, rabble-rousing play about AIDS, in 1985.
1985年,公共剧院首次将拉里·克莱默(LarryKramer)风靡一时的、蛊惑人心的关于爱滋病的戏剧《正常的心》搬上舞台。Not after all my mom has taught me to never surrender to the manipulative ways of advertising.
我妈教我不要轻易相信广告蛊惑人心的办法。For those not up on their illusion lingo, the "prestige" is the all-important third part of a trick.
他们靠的不是那些蛊惑人心的术语,“威信”才是魔术师的诡计得逞的重要因素之一。He called for a clear break with the "bad habits" of the past: demagogy, clinging to power, "primitive egoism" .
他呼吁彻底改掉往昔的“恶习”:蛊惑人心,集权,“与生俱来的自大”。But the demagogic instincts of western leaders pale in comparison to the negligence of their eastern counterparts.