I used to write your name. And put it a frame. And sometime i think i hear you call right from my bedroom wall.
我常常写下你的名字并把它弄好。有时我想我听见你在我卧室的右边叫我。'It's fantastic , ' I said, 'you prepared all this in the time it took me to have a shower and get dressed. '
“真是奇迹,”我说,“我冲澡穿衣这一会儿你就把这些都弄好了。”"In the beginning I was really serious, but now, since we're almost done, I've been a bit more lenient" she said.
“一开始我很严肃,现在,因为我们基本弄好了,我有一点宽松。”她说。JOEY: You and Milton have to join us on the boat. Karen'll pack a lunch, you'll bring the kids, we'll make a day of it.
乔伊:你和米尔顿一定得来我们的船上玩。凯伦会弄好午饭,你们带上孩子,我们好好地玩一天。Well, now maybe all this exhaust is getting to me, but I'd swear that's Scott Bernard standing in the doorway.
咳,现在我大概能弄好这个排气装置了,但是,我发誓站在门口的一定是斯科特•伯纳德。Can you repair this ? How much does it cost ? How long does it take? I'll fix it .
你能修好这个吗?要花多少钱?要花多少时间?我将把它弄好。Soon he was able to change the tire. But he had to get dirty and his hands hurt.
不过很快,他就弄好并开始换轮胎,但已经弄得全身脏兮兮、双手受伤。he may have picked up certain tricks out there , perhaps he was an officers servant , and improved on his position.
我相信他是从印度归来对,他也许在那边得了一些什么怪癖。他也许是一个军官的传令兵,这把他的地位弄好了一些。It doesn't look like that to begin with -- it looks as if we just put some water on the stage and built a pond, but we haven't.