Mr. Wickham's adieus were much more affectionate than his wife's. He smiled, looked handsome, and said many pretty things.
韦翰先生一声声的再见比他太太叫得亲切得多。他笑容满面,仪态万方,又说了多少漂亮话。At town-hall meetings, he does not fob voters off with a single sound-bite; he lets them ask follow-up questions.
在市政厅会议上,他不是单用一句漂亮话来唬弄选民;他让它们提穷根究底的问题。But I, I, feel honored to have been in it and I'm not snowing you, and this is a great way to make a living.
但我非常自豪我能入这一行,我不是在和你说漂亮话,这真的是一条极好的谋生行业。Adrian was a leader who said all the right things, but betrayed his true nature in team meetings.
他叫艾德里安,曾是一个在会议上违心地说着满口漂亮话的领导。You always promise to do better next time but never make it. I am tired of your soft soap.
你总是说下次会做得更好,但却没有一次说到做到。你的漂亮话我听腻了。Remarkably, this detente - weaved with fine words rather than built with concrete actions - has held, and even flourished.
引人瞩目的是,两国保持了这种缓和关系——建立在漂亮话而不是具体措施的基础上——甚至还有所发展。She reiterated many of the same arguments. But this time both sides wanted more than soothing rhetoric.
她重申了一些老生常谈,但这次美墨双方都不会只是讲讲漂亮话而已了。For all Mr Obama's fine talk, says the Grand Old Party, Democrats fall back on their traditional job-killing cure-all.
共和党说,尽管奥巴马说了一堆漂亮话,但民主党实质上是再次转向了会扼杀就业的传统万灵药。"They all talk a wonderful talk, " she says, "but the forest keeps getting destroyed. "