Her care of me in my travail, and after in my lying in, was such, that if she had been my own mother it could not have been better.
我临产和产后,她照顾我非常尽心,即使她是我的母亲,也不过如此。That may not sound like much, but remember a person with TB can infect another dozen or so people over the course of a year.
这一点点提高看起来不过如此,但是记住,一名结核病人一年可以传染给超过一打的其它人。Why, it's just as easy! If I'd a knowed this was all, I'd a learnt long ago.
嘿,抽烟有什么难的!我以前不知道抽烟不过如此,要是知道的话,我早就学会了。And for all the rest of my life, as I know now, I shall have to shave every morning in order to be ready for no more than this!
现在我知道了,在我余下的生命中,我将必须每天早晨剃须修面,而我所准备做的事终究不过如此!" Now know it too late? " Cheng Yakun smiled, he thought he would be so smart, but also so.
“现在知道会不会太迟了?”成亚坤笑笑道,他以为他会多聪明,也不过如此嘛。If philosophy can be, at best, only what Hegel called 'its time held in thought', still, that might be enough.
如果哲学可能成为——最多也不过如此了——黑格尔所谓的,在柏拉图意义上的,“在思想中把握自己的时代”的话,那可能就够了。You think, use what kind of vocabulary to laud all not in order to lead, the human life fairyland or utopia also only so-so.
您想啊,用什么样的词汇来赞美都不为过,人间仙境抑或世外桃源也不过如此吧。She had been saving every penny she could for months , with this result.
几个月来,她尽可能地节省了每一分钱,结果不过如此。So much for the wisdom of that grand planner.