Thus the fund enjoys the seigniorage of the currency notes.
The ECB's gains from seigniorage are becoming increasingly important this year.
H : Weren't Bank of England notes backed by specie?
堀田: 英格兰银行发行的纸币不是以金银铸币作为依据 吗 ?
There will be seven euro notes and eight euro coins.
On January 1 2002, euro notes and coins will come into circulation.
2002年1月1日, 欧元的纸币和铸币将开始流通.
Weren't Bank of England notes backed by specie?
英格兰银行发行的纸币不是以金银铸币作为依据 吗 ?
First, the rapid growth of seigniorage.
其一, 铸币税急剧增长.
Thirdly, the international seigniorage of dollars is enormous.
第三, 美元国际流动所带来的国际铸币税是巨大的.
There are, however, limits as to the amount of seigniorage finance may take place.
但是, 利用铸币税融资存在某些限制.
For example the US $ 100 bill costs about 12 cents to manufacture. Consequently seigniorage is $ 99.88.
例如,100美元钞票的印制成本仅为12美分, 结果铸币税是99.88美元.
Yuan, angle and divided into notes, and sub - and the Pentagon also has coin.
元 、 角和分有纸币, 元和五角及分也有铸币.
Seigniorage is really a tax on holders of money and debt which is paid via inflation.
The collection seigniorage, may further expand the domestic demand, promotes the economical the positive cycle.
征收铸币税, 可进一步扩大内需, 推动经济的良性循环.
It normally accrues to national treasuries once the central banks account for their own costs.
This article gives an introduction mainly to the appraisal of ancient metal coins.