In London, security measures are all about detailed systems of preventative cogs, each one turning to make life hard for the intruder.
在伦敦,所有安防措施均是预防性步骤组成的环环相扣的系统,每一步都让盗贼举步维艰。Today's high unemployment, sluggish growth, paltry levels of capital investment and bickering over the debt ceiling are of a piece.
如今的美国,失业率高企、经济增长乏力、资本投资微不足道、且在债务上限问题争论不休,这些问题都环环相扣。Transfer process of these three interlocking, tongue, and interpretation activities simultaneously.
这三个转移过程环环相扣,互相贯通,与口译活动同步进行。The story played on the stage was that reasonable, consistent, vivid and touching.
舞台上演绎出的故事,是那样的入情入理,环环相扣,有血有肉,真切感人。For an organization to function effectively and efficiently, it has to identify and manage numerous linked activities.
一个组织之有效运作在于它需鉴别及管理众多之「环环相扣之活动」。Robot-like animals and wondrous creatures are marching in the middle, as an army and wars are unfolding in numerous interlocking scopes.
一队由机器人形动物和各种奇异生物组成的大军正向著画面中央前进,令一场环环相扣的战争呈现在观者眼前。Reverse logistic forms a completed system by managing the abandoned products with the way of science, including recycle-processing-reuse.
逆向物流侧重于从科学的角度对废弃产品的回流过程进行管理,包括回收—处理—再利用的过程,它们环环相扣,形成一个完整的体系。And each other unified whole that namely set each other against, all linked with one another.
既相互对立而又相互统一的整体,环环相扣。The song has 6 separate sections each with it's own distinctive melodies yet the song feels so well integrated and complete.