
汉语拼音:guāng huá



  1. 光辉照耀;闪耀。

    《尚书大传》卷一下:“日月光华,旦復旦兮。” 南朝 齐 谢朓 《齐敬皇后哀策》:“光华沼沚,荣曜中谷。” 北齐 颜之推 《颜氏家训·省事》:“拜守宰者,印组光华,车骑辉赫。”

  2. 光荣;荣耀。

    《文选·鲍照<拟古>诗》:“宗党生光华,宾僕远倾慕。” 吕延济 注:“宗族乡党皆持其势而生光荣。”《周书·李贤传》:“非直荣宠一时,亦足光华身世。” 宋 罗大经 《鹤林玉露》卷十:“﹝ 东坡 ﹞所经过之地,溪翁野叟,亦以为光华。”

  3. 光芒,光彩。

    三国 魏 阮籍 《咏怀》诗之七四:“色容艳姿美,光华耀倾城。” 宋 王安石 《上邵学士书》:“譬之擷奇花之英,积而玩之,虽光华馨香,鲜縟可爱,求其根柢济用,则蔑如也。”《红楼梦》第九二回:“上放着一颗桂圆大的珠子,光华耀目。” 秦牧 《艺海拾贝·菊花与金鱼》:“你提供这样,我提供那样,才使得这个本来相当乏味的地球变成了个光华璀璨的大千世界。”

  4. 比喻才华或精神。

    宋 苏轼 《广心斋铭》:“前圣后圣,惠我光华。” 清 刘大櫆 《与左君书》:“夫以足下之汲汲於古人,立志行身,几皆可以无愧,而 櫆 方坐於闇昧之中,思一追寻足下之光华不可得。”


    • Long Jun - Sheng : Economist Expert, Guanghua Administration College of Peking University.

      龙军生 摩根史坦利金融专家北大光华管理学院战略管理教.

    • Mother, Mother in the candlelight, why have your eyes lost brilliance?

      妈妈, 烛光里的妈妈,您的眼睛为何失去光华.

    • Sun Moon Lake center island seat Yuexialaoren Guanghua Pavilion, for passengers itinerary.

      日月潭中心光华岛上有座月下老人亭, 为旅客必游之地.

    • Zhang Wei Ying Dean of Guanghua School of Management of Peking University.


    • You are resplendent with light , more majestic than mountains rich with game.

      4你从有野食之山而来, 有光华和荣美.

    • You are resplendent, More majestic than the mountains of prey.

      诗76:4你从有野食之山而来 、 有光华和荣美.

    • Reprinted inking oil can also be overcome chalking it affects metal sheen.


    • We may pass candle light looking for sunrise.


    • Sinorama times from her date of birth, is a literature, there are quality companies.

      时代光华从她诞生之日起, 就是一家有内涵 、 有品位的公司.

    • Jingguang Bridge along the three - ring to the exit, turn right at Guanghua Bridge is Sinorama road.

      沿三环到京广桥出口出来, 光华桥处右转就是光华路了.

    • You can see the ink roller ink sticky radiofrequent granula monochamus genicuate and so on.


    • Reprinted inking oil powder can also be overcome, but this tends to decrease the metallic sheen.

      加印调不朱油也可以降服粉化, 但这样不常会减小金属的光华.

    • In addition, ink drying rate about free binders of penetration rate results in ink, lack luster.

      此外, 油不朱潮湿速率功缓,拆开料的纪律分泌度增增,会导致不朱色昏暗, 充分光华.

    • NIV You are resplendent with light , more majestic than mountains rich with game.


    • Hold infinity in the parlm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.

      无穷在你我手中, 永恒无非刹那光华.

