
汉语拼音:jiǔ huà shān

旧称九子山。中国佛教四大名山之一。位于安徽省南部。因有九峰,形似莲花,故名。主峰十王峰,海拔1 342米。多名胜古迹。


    • The Jiuhua Mountain is surrounded by trees, and is a tourist resort.

      九华山树木蓊郁,环境清幽, 是个旅游圣地.

    • Huangshan in the south, Taiping Lake in the north and Mt. Jiuhua to the west.

      境内南部有黄山, 北部有太平湖, 西临九华山.

    • A relief image of a bodhisattva , most likely Avalokiteshvara, from a temple at Jiuhuashan.

      菩萨(大概是观世音菩萨), 在九华山上一座寺庙的浮雕.

    • My home city is Chizhou in Anhui Province , where the Jiuhua mountains locates.

      我的家乡是安徽池州, 那里有美丽的九华山.

    • The double - arch was applied in Jiuhua Mountain tunnel and two cracked rocks were drilled through.
