As you know alcohol contains calories and must be counted in your meal plan.
你知道酒精能增加热卡,因此必须计算在您的食谱之内。Fifth, drink less and avoid cigarettes. Alcohol does harms to sleep. Smoking stimulates the body as if you were taking a cold shower.
第五,少喝酒,别抽烟。酒精能使睡眠不好。抽烟的刺激作用就像用冷水洗澡一样。She continued to travel around the nation, speaking out against drug and alcohol abuse.
她继续游走在国内各地,竭力呼吁反对滥用毒品与酒精。Sadly he lost his business, his marriage broke up and his health was permanently impaired before he gave up the drugs and drink.
遗憾的是,直到事业破产、婚姻破裂、健康受到永久性伤害之后,他才戒掉了毒品和酒精。Michael is a responsible person who would never drive if he thought he would be impaired by alcohol.
迈克尔是个有责任心的人,假如他认为自己会受酒精影响的话他是绝对不会驾车的。Systemic therapy is now used by the team as an integral part of the mainstream clinical programme within the alcohol treatment service.
全身治疗,现在球队所用的一个组成部分临床方案的主流的酒精治疗服务。This was discovered when one of the patients was having alcohol dabbed on his chest, and remarked that he could feel it in his missing limb.
当时医生对此毫无察觉,直到一位病人说自己在把酒精涂抹到胸部时,感受到了他的截肢,医生们才明白过来。But how can your breath reflect how much alcohol is in your blood?
不过,你的呼气是如何反映你血液中含多少酒精的呢?He would not drink; he would not squander the hard-earned fruits of his labor on alcohol, he had promised himself.