But until you convince me, with facts or with opinion, that I'm wrong, I will be passionate about my decision at the time.
除非你能说服我,有理有据地证明我错了,我仍将坚持自己的决定。All his analyses are based upon adequate reasoning and proofs that are very compelling.
而且他的每个分析都是有理有据,让人觉得很信服。At a time of record energy prices, that's a risky but educated bet.
在油价屡创纪录高位之际,这一举动尽管冒险但也有理有据。We ask stakeholders to first give us their initial emotional reaction and then talk through things in a more rational fashion.
我们通常会让利益关系人首先给出他们最初的情感反应,之后再有理有据地讨论各个部分。And then regroup later with a real reason to come after you. Shut your mouth.
之后又会重新组织起来有理有据地你给我闭嘴。Subject class teaching is one more difficult teaching item, which requires novel subject, reasonable structure and rational knowledge.
专题课教学是一项难度较大的教学项目,要求立题新颖,结构合理,有理有据。What they've found here is a correlation and a correlation with a plausible explanation.
他们所发现的是一种有理有据的关联。MySpace has a legitimate defence that many of its users do not infringe anyone's copyright.
MySpace的辩解也有理有据,因为该网站的许多用户没有侵犯任何人的版权。A firm grasp of the basic trends is a necessary precondition for understanding and for informed policy.