Our affair was memorialized by those children.
I imagine extraordinary intrigues and unheard of wines and passions.
Not only with immortals but with mortals were Jupiter's relations sometimes of a dubious character.
He took the bait perfectly, and was soon engaged in an affair with her.
他一口吞了这个钓饵, 不久便同她有了私情.
This constrained and messy adultery was a damned poor substitute for having a wife.
Secret affairs will only lead to heartache.
Xiaowang is principled and never practices favouritism.
You see, command allows no intimacies.
你知道吗, 命令不允许有任何私情.
But I couldn't forget the affair, especially how close it had happened to home.
但我却不能忘记她的那段私情, 尤其是那居然发生在离家这么近的地方.
He allowed the father to be overruled be the judge, and declared his own son guilty.
他让法官的职责战胜父子的私情, 而判决他儿子有罪.
He allowed the father to be overruled by the judge, and declared his own son guilty.
Just a very handsome John Doe and humor, the two hit it off, with the affair.
恰好伙计李四长得很帅又有幽默感, 两人一拍即合, 有了私情.
But in general, the most successful couples, married or not, keep It'strictly professional during the day.
但是总的来说, 最成功的伴侣, 已婚也罢,未婚也罢, 上班期间都严格控制私情,专注工作.