The sick man breathed his last at ten o'clock this morning.
Ben Rosselli's death, whenever it came, would be dignified.
Then he lifted himself up hard, and was dead.
接着,他身子使劲向上一拱, 就断气了.
The boy's breath forsook him.
" I'm not dead enough for you to pull down the shades -- though I might as well be.
" 我还没断气呢,用不着把帘子放下来 ---- 尽管这也快了.
I should fancy it was prussic acid , as she seems to have died instantaneously.
我估计是氢氰酸, 因为她好象是立刻断气的.
What was it that had flashed in Billy Parkin's eyes before he died?
帕金在断气之前眼中闪现出来的东西到底意味着什么 呢 ?
Sometimes , when you're idle , you give up the ghost.
有些时候, 你在发呆.就像断气了一样.
Shut off, release pressure and disconnect air supply before changing accessories.
更换附件时要先关掉阀门, 减压和断气.
The old fellow croaked before he could tell us who shot him.
They were waiting for the old man to conk out.
Hamlet was barely able to breathe.
I didn't want Mary to see him die.
She thought her dreams were over as the hours and the weary Man breathed His last.
No sooner did he slip his breath than all his friends shed tears.