Cat are warm - blooded animals, but snakes are cold - blooded.
猫是温血动物, 而蛇是 冷血动物 .
Some endotherms do not need to hibernate.
Some warm - blooded animals do not need to hibernate.
This was the first successful nuclear transplant involving cells of a warm - blooded animal.
Some have argued that such sophisticated behavior is suggestive of warm - bloodedness.
Modern warm - blooded animals tend to have more erected postures than cold - blooded animals .
现代的温血动物通常比 冷血动物 拥有更为挺拔的身躯.
Warmblooded animals lead an active life in winter.
Some warm - blooded animals do not hibernate in winter.
There is a clear difference in bone structure between modern cold - blooded and warm - blooded animals.
现代温血动物的骨骼结构与 冷血动物 有着本质上的区别.
Rabies is a viral disease that attacks the central nervous system of warm - blooded animals, including humans.
(包含目前的案例)狂犬病是一种攻击温血动物中枢神经的病毒疾病, 包含仁攀类.
Some warm - blooded animals, like the cat, the dog or the wolf, do not need to hibernate.
有些温血动物, 诸如猫 、 狗或狼之类, 不用冬眠.
Rabies: Acute , usually fatal infectious disease of warm - blooded animals that attacks the central nervous system.
狂犬病: 温血动物感染的一种病情凶险的中枢神经系统急性病毒性传染病.
Modern warm - blooded animals have relatively larger brains than living cold - blooded animals .
通常现代温血动物的脑容量比 冷血动物 大得多.