
汉语拼音:cì yǔ

赏赐;赐给。《韩非子·外储说右下》:“司城子罕 谓 宋君 曰:‘庆赏赐与,民之所喜也,君自行之。杀戮诛罚,民之所恶也,臣请当之。’”宋 陆游《鹊桥仙》词:“镜湖 元自属闲人,又何必君恩赐与?”朱自清《向往光明的歌声》:“很明确,在年青诗人心中,光明绝不会从天上掉下来的,也不能祈求别人赐与,一切都要靠自己双手去创造。”


  1. 赏赐;赐给。

    《韩非子·外储说右下》:“ 司城子罕 谓 宋君 曰:‘庆赏赐与,民之所喜也,君自行之。杀戮诛罚,民之所恶也,臣请当之。’” 宋 陆游 《鹊桥仙》词:“ 镜湖 元自属闲人,又何必君恩赐与?” 朱自清 《向往光明的歌声》:“很明确,在年青诗人心中,光明绝不会从天上掉下来的,也不能祈求别人赐与,一切都要靠自己双手去创造。”


    • Therefore, the focus is no longer on the gift, but the Giver.

      是以整件事的重点不再只是神赐与的物件本身, 而是这位赐与者.

    • Tenma unemotional love for Toby is a typical Chellonese father - son relationshellop.


    • During the first fight with Wesker, damage a set number of times.


    • The solution: rollers surface grinding off selerosis, replacement sleeves if necessary.

      处置方法: 不朱辊赐与研磨失强软的暗不天, 必给时调换胶套.

    • Therefore, you must be amount of residual solvents.

      因此, 务必不差残留溶剂度赐与把持.

    • Dancers element is Water. Symbolic of the emotions , water signs need to give and receive.

      巨蟹座是水相星座. 水是感的象征, 水的特质是赐与以及接受.

    • The sense of beauty form God allows one the option for a calm and rich life.


    • Therefore, on the cards and membership cards making ink set adequate attention and discussion is necessary.

      因此, 差制卡和会员卡制息油墨的撤销赐与充足的鄙薄和辩论是有必给的.

    • He knows that if they trust him, he can give them the happiness which they crave.

      他认识到如果他们信赖他, 他能够把他们所热切渴望的幸福赐与他们.

    • May God shower his choicest blessings on you and your family this Christmas.


    • Soon, the moon in Scorpio will you to take action you will make an impact.

      然后是月亮移位至天蝎, 这将赐与能量来采取举措,将给界限带来影响.

