Everyone read the two volumes of her memoirs published in her lifetime, but she died in poverty aged 38, with only Jack at her side.
丽蒂茜娅在世时出版了两卷回忆录,读者众多,可她38岁去世时贫困潦倒,身边只有杰克陪伴。The system that is so good at churning out Olympic medalists seems to be even better at producing poverty-stricken retired athletes.
在这个造奥林匹克冠军是如此在行的(体育)体系下,它似乎甚至更擅长的是制造贫困潦倒的退役运动员。He grew up in New York City, so poor that he sometimes had to scavenge for food.
他生长于纽约市,曾经贫困潦倒,以致去垃圾当中去寻找食物。They lived near a silver boomtown where hard work and sudden luck were transforming the occasional poor man into a wealthy one.
他们生活在一个因银矿而繁荣的城镇,在那里,辛勤劳动和突如其来的好运偶尔会使一个贫困潦倒的人成为富翁。He lived the rest of her life in poverty.
他在贫困潦倒地度过余生。research firm. Of those categorized as "down and out, " 65 percent reported they were eating less nutritiously .
那些被归为“贫困潦倒”类的人中,其中65%被报告为吃的更不健康。Impoverished farmers who become unemployed or displaced persons, or flow into the city, or helpers for others.
那些贫困潦倒的农民或成为无业流民,或流往城市,或为他人佣工。Eg. Her father has been down and out ever since the factory closed.
自从工厂关闭后,她的父亲一直贫困潦倒,灰心丧气。Having tasted the pleasure that come from material wealth, we may become needy and destitute, afflicted with suffering and pain.