It might be hard to imagine that this wealthy land which enjoys the reputation of "heaven on earth" then was covered with thorns and lakes.
你可能很难想象现在这片被称为人间天堂的富庶之地,当年曾经荆棘密布,水泽湖泊交错,并时常洪水泛滥。To my parents and their friends, the Yugoslav motel was an unquestioned paradise, a lucky coda to a set of difficult lives.
对于我们父母和他们的好友而言,这家南斯拉夫人开办的汽车旅店无疑是人间天堂,在走过一段艰辛的人生之后,可在此歇息喘气,不失为一幸。That is how much I loved someone. Ballet to me is like hell on earth!
那就是我表达爱的方式,芭蕾对我而言就像是人间天堂。"It's literally like living in heaven on Earth, " he said of the island, but "I guess I could say I'm desperately lonely sometimes. "
“生活在这儿简直就像生活在人间天堂里,”他如此评价这个小岛,但“我想,得承认,有时,我会感到孤独至极。”"This area was like a paradise, " says Schmidt, a member of the German Archaeological Institute.
“这里就像是一个人间天堂。”斯密特,这位来自德国考古学会的学者如是说道。The Stanislau was like Heaven on Earth. It had bright green hills and deep forests where soft winds touched the trees.
它像是座人间天堂,有绿油油的山丘,有茂密的森林,微风柔和地向它吹过。Known in the world for its beautiful scenery, favorable climate and abundant resources, the city is referred to as "the paradise on earth" .
杭州历来以风景秀丽、气候宜人、物产富饶而著称于世,有“人间天堂”之美誉。Little-discussed fact about global warming: It will make all the least- inhabitable regions of the planet into a tropical paradise.
很少被提起的关于全球变暖的事实:它使地球所有人烟稀少的地区变成人间天堂。That's great. Hangzhou has always been known as "the earthly paradise" .