汉语拼音:qiān fāng bǎi jì
想尽一切办法,用尽一切计谋。宋朱熹《朱子语类》卷三五:“譬如捉贼相似,须是着起气力精神,千方百计去赶捉他。” 方:方法。计:计谋。
- 【解释】:想尽或用尽一切办法。
- 【出自】:《朱子语类·论语十七》:“譬如捉贼相似,须是着起气力精神,千方百计去赶他。”
- 【示例】:这个老匪开初~想收买这支已经武装了的工人队伍,可是工人们坚决拒绝加入匪股。
◎曲波《林海雪原》十四 - 【语法】:联合式;作状语、宾语;含褒义
When a captain got hold of a pilot of particularly high reputation, he took pains to keep him.
每逢一个船长用到一名名声特别高的掌舵者,他必须千方百计把他留住。The fox, with all his thousand tricks, had not been able to get out of sight, and fell a prey to the dogs.
狐狸,用了他的种种计策(千方百计),结果还是没有(机会)逃脱,成了这群猎狗的食物。You can see Apple and its board desperately trying to convince us that Tim Cook is great, and I'm sure he is and will do fine.
你可以看到苹果及其董事会千方百计地让人们相信提姆·库克非常优秀,并且我相信他确实优秀,能够胜任CEO一职。why do you go about to recover the wind of me, as if you would drive me into toils?
为什么你们总是这样千方百计绕到我上风的一面,好像一定要把我逼进你们的圈套?I shall leave no stone unturned to protect myself, to put as good a face on this matter as I can.
我要千方百计地保护自己,把这事情尽力掩盖过去。Strangely, the other boys never noticed how he made fun of me, and copied me in every way.
奇怪的是,其他男孩竟然从未觉察到他是如何拿我开玩笑,如何千方百计地模仿我。You would find very distinguished professionals, so leave no stone unturned until you find the doctor you know is the one for you.
你会发现有不同的专家意见,千方百计直到你找到那个你知道“就是他”的医生。All those corrupt ministers are trying to cream off as much as possible before the next election.
所有那些腐败的部长们,都力争在下届选举之前千方百计地尽可能地刮取油水。Even as Reagan was travelling to Germany, nervous detenting elements in his own government were trying to rewrite his speech.