He lay still for a long time. Later, he felt a little better and got up. He made afire.
他静卧了很长时间,等到感觉稍微好一点儿才站起来,生起一堆火。This ridge that resembles the reclining profile of an Indian is among the volcanic peaks that ring Lake Atitlan in Guatemala.
这座山脊酷似一个静卧安躺的印第安人的侧面,它位于环抱着危地马拉阿蒂特兰湖(LakeAtitlan)的火山山峰之中。tropical fish that resembles a goby and rests quietly on the bottom in shallow water.
与虾虎鱼相象的热带鱼,在浅水底静卧。The nondisabled woman lies with her back to the beholder in the grass next to a pool.
这个健康的女人背对观赏者躺着,静卧在一个水池旁边的草地上。No political ideology guided him, though he might lie for hours at night thinking, or read for most of the day.
没有政治意识形态指引着他,尽管他夜里静卧数小时沉思,或者大半日读书。The mighty river lay like an ocean at rest.
宽阔的河流海洋般静卧着。As I thus lay, between content and longing, a faint noise stole towards me through the pines.
就在我静卧于满足与渴望交织之中时,有一种微弱的声音从松林间隐约传来。at last the conflagration of sea and sky, lying embraced and still in a flaming contact upon the edge of the world, went out.
终于,由相拥、静卧于世界边缘的天与海擦出的火苗所引发的熊熊烈焰,熄灭了。The four oranged houses that remain sit amid sere tan grass nearly five feet high in summer.