汉语拼音:gōu xīn dòu jiǎo
也作钩心斗角。唐杜牧《 阿房宫赋》:“各抱地势,钩心斗角。” 原形容宫殿建筑的结构交错精致。后用来比喻各用心机,互相 排挤、攻击。心:宫室的中心。角:檐角。
- 【解释】:原指宫室建筑结构的交错和精巧。后比喻用尽心机,明争暗斗。
- 【出自】:唐·杜牧《阿房宫赋》:“各报地势,钩心斗角。”
- 【示例】:在这件事上,他们最是赤祼祼地毫无~的意思。
- 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语;含贬义
Economic and social circumstances continued to weaken its power to influence events, and yet it remained a player in the game.
经济和社会状况继续削弱着它影响事态发展的能力。它仍然是勾心斗角的角逐中的一方。The statesmen still schemed and maneuvered as if nothing grew but the power of wary and fortunate kings .
政治家们还在勾心斗角,用计谋、施策略,好象除了小心翼翼的和幸运的国王们的权力外,什么都没有发生。"Microsoft is such an inwardly-focused company, " he said.
“微软将全部心思都用在了内部的勾心斗角上。”他表示。Women who wish to date and impress a Sagittarius man should also remember that he does not like cheating and backstabbing in a relationship.
想和射手男约会或者给射手男留下深刻印象的女士们还要谨记:他讨厌感情中的背叛和勾心斗角。Humans are a mix of selfishness and altruism but generally feel better working to help each other rather than to do each other down.
人类是利己主义和利他主义的混和体,但通常而言,相互帮助比勾心斗角让人感觉更好。As the "Three Kingdoms" in Zhang Fei and Guan Yu and Liu Bei, harbor the same dream, but rivalries between them are not.
正如《三国演义》中的张飞、关羽与刘备,心怀同一个梦想,但相互之间却没有勾心斗角。I hope that this world not to further infighting, I hope that this world in peace!
我希望这个世界不要再有勾心斗角,我希望这个世界能够和平!The infighting is inevitable, to the enemy trap is a dangerous thing, so we must grasp the good heat. His catch, a hand.
勾心斗角是不可避免之事,给敌人圈套更是危险的事,所以一定要把握好火候。In the end it was overwhelming military force, not a political deal among the warring factions, that won the day.