They drove the train from Hankou to Beijing.
Hankow Native City after Burning on Nov. 2 nd, 1911.
1911年11月2日, 汉口老城区战火中的废墟.
Yesterday, the Hankou section Zhao Mei Street, scene of family tragedy occurred.
昨日, 汉口赵家条尾街发生一幕家庭悲剧.
A Study on Hankou Qianzhuangs in Post - war Era ( 1945 - 1949 )
战后汉口钱庄研究 ( 1945-1949 )
In addition, Wuchang, Hankou and also between the ferry, you can choose.
此外, 汉口和武昌之间还有轮渡, 你也可以选择.
Strictly speaking Hankow and Nanking lie just south of the Great Plain.
He has been transferred from Nanchang to Hankou.
Hankou is the commercial center.
The Youngtze River separates Hankou and Wuchang.
Where are Hankou, Hanyang and Wuchang?
汉口 、 汉阳和武昌在哪儿?
Imperial Artillery at Ta - Chi - Men Railway Station.
清军炮兵在汉口大智门火车站 布防.
They retired in the direction of Hankow.
On my way to Beijing I plan to stop over for a few days in Hankou.
How by bus from the Hankou Station to the Naval University of Engineering? In Which Station?
怎么坐公交车从汉口火车站到海军工程大学? 在哪站下?
In February, 1927 she inaugurated a political - training course for women cadres in Hankou.