Do not use with any other products containing acetaminophen, even one used on skin, or in children under 12 years of age.
请勿同时使用任何含乙醯胺酚的其他产品;即使是皮肤外用,或是儿童用的同类商品,都不可同时使用。The invention relates to a Chinese medicine preparation, in particular to an external drug used for treating zoster.
本发明涉及一种中药制剂,即一种治疗带状疱疹的外用药物。Later the trouser legs were provided with button holes at the side and were fastened with a clasp over the stockings.
罗可可后期裤腿两侧带有扣眼,裤口可以在长统袜外用扣子系住。This to put on make-up the grade, only supplies the external use, do not use in injecting.
本品为化妆品级,仅供外用,不得用于注射。Corticosterone for topical use, antiallergic drugs and antifungal drugs are still the main drugs used for dermatosis.
外用皮质激素、抗变态反应药和抗真菌药仍是皮肤病的主要用药。Topical ketoconazole, an imidazole, has been a mainstay of treatment for fungal infections and seborrheic dermatitis.
外用酮康唑,一个咪唑,已成为支柱治疗真菌感染和脂溢性皮炎。Athlete's foot is usually treated with topical antifungal lotions or oral medications for more severe cases.
脚癣通常可用外用的抗真菌药水治疗,更严重些的要通过口服药物来治疗。An external method of treatment, chemical exfoliation for acne, is usually added to medications.
化学剥脱法,是一种常见的外用药物治疗痤疮的办法,The result showed that WUDI Analgesic Species did not make erythema, swelling and the local irritative reaction in skin of rabbit.