" Baby Face is in bloom, " I remarked.
我说: “ 童子面茶花开了.”
As it blooms late, it's only in bud. Its flowers, deep red, are most attractive. "
后来他攀着一棵茶树的小干枝说: “这叫童子面,花期迟, 刚打骨朵, 开起来颜色深红, 倒是最好看的. ”
All children eventually become adults, and all adults were once children.
畴类皆长年, 成人旧童子.
The people took the young man home alive and were greatly comforted.
The boy knew nothing of all this; only Jonathan and David knew.
39童子却不知道这是甚麽意思. 只有约拿单和大卫知道.
I used to belong to a den as a Cub Scout.
Do not a hand on the boy, he said.
Why can be boy water become medicinal material?
He served in an infantry regiment.
We have enlisted Scout groups and 4 - H Clubs all over the country in this effort.
And there came forth two she bears out and tareand two children of them.
But the lad was not aware of anything ; only Jonathan and David knew about the matter.
撒上20:39童子却不知道这是甚麽意思. 只有约拿单和大卫知道.
In old age the vessel drives up, there is no overflow : you are a child again.
垂老之年器内枯竭, 再也无法泛滥,于是人复为童子.
Every passenger to, Mengen Boy vertical crane fly, Lin Bu, see Crane Bi - Sao boat returned.
每逢客至, 叫门童子纵鹤放飞, 林逋见鹤必棹舟归来.
But in Dunhuang's frescoes the fairy maidens and portrayed vividly, are often very cute , deserving appreciation.
但是在敦煌壁画中处于侍者地位的仙女或童子等, 往往姿态活泼,神情生动, 颇堪欣赏.