汉语拼音:fēi huáng téng dá
比喻人骤然 得志,官职、地位升得很快。原作飞黄腾踏。唐韩愈《符读书城南》诗:“飞黄腾踏去,不能顾蟾蜍。” 后作飞黄腾达。飞黄:古代传说中的神马名,跑得很快。腾达:高跳的样子。
- 【解释】:飞黄:传说中神马名;腾达:上升,引伸为发迹,宦途得意。形容骏马奔腾飞驰。比喻骤然得志,官职升得很快。
- 【出自】:唐·韩愈《符读书城南》诗:“飞黄腾踏去,不能顾蟾蜍。”
- 【示例】:他进过种种培植新政人才的讲习班和训练班,虽然结果没有一项使他~。
◎沙汀《防空》 - 【语法】:主谓式;作谓语、定语;含贬义
They were only too eager to build Nixon up and relishing the bonus of cutting me to size after years of riding so high.
他们正热心于树立尼克松的威信,很想在我飞黄腾达几年以后贬低我,以便从中得到好处。If you want to move up into the big time, you've got to create a character of your own.
如果你还想飞黄腾达,就必须创造出自己的特色不可。A war hero and an industrialist, and a Member of Parliament at an age when he no longer hungered for political advancement.
他是一名战斗英雄,实业家,下院议员,如今已上了年纪,不再渴望在政治舞台上飞黄腾达。Byron had always been susceptible to women and attractive to them; now that he was successful they threw themselves at his head.
拜伦对于女性总是容易动感情,而且对妇女具有吸引力。现在他既然已经飞黄腾达,她们更愿意委身于他。Catania's new boss Giampaolo really needs to take this job seriously as it gives him a concrete base to make it big in Serie A.
卡塔尼亚新掌门人詹保罗确实需要严肃对待他的工作,因为这为他提供了在意甲飞黄腾达的混凝土基础。Like I said, I'll be famous one day, but for now I'm stuck in middle school with a bunch of morons.
正如我刚才所说,我总有一天会飞黄腾达,不过现在呢,我却身陷中学之中,周围还有一群白痴。When history is written, I think it will show that without the visual nature of the Web, it never would have taken off as an IT substrate.
当记录历史时,若没有可视性这个自然特点,Web是永远不可能作为IT的基盘而飞黄腾达的。He wished he was as confident about getting to the top as his father and mother were.
他真希望自己对于飞黄腾达能像他父母一样有信心。Don't look down on him though he hasn't got a penny to his name. After all, every dog has its day.