Suddenly it all died down. It was as if he remembered, in the midst of his antics, that he had on a cutaway suit.
突然一切都静寂下来,仿佛拉威尔在开玩笑时记起他穿了一件剪破的衣服。She had not thought of that, but remembered the story of Adam and Eve in the Bible.
她还没想过这个,但她记起了《圣经》里亚当和夏娃的故事。Plenty of times in the imagination, one can turn back to when he made his debut at 16-and-a-half.
回首过去,似乎还能记起保罗在16岁半的那年第一次代表米兰出场。Nor does she recall the moment she wrote down on a form that she had attended Union College and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
她也不曾记起她曾填写过一个表格,说自己上过联合学院和伦斯勒理工学院。Somehow, the festival always seem to need to be reminded, can see light suddenly seems to remember.
不知怎么的,如今的节日似乎总需要别人提醒,才能恍然大悟似的记起。It's sort of a CliffsNotes on everything we once knew but no longer do.
有点像克利夫笔记所说:我们曾知的一切,如今再不能记起。It occurred to me that I had not seen him for a long time.
这让我记起我好久没见到他了。I cannot recall the last time I heard a discussion of such great questions that was animated with the energies of possibility.
我已经无法记起,人们最后一次带着探寻一切可能性的激情讨论这些重大问题是在何时了。It's hard to remember why you love someone when all you can think about is how much you hate them.