
汉语拼音:rén jiān



人间 [rén jiān]
  1. 亦作“人閒 ”。人类社会。

    《韩非子·解老》:“聋则不能知雷霆之害,狂则不能免人间法令之祸。”《后汉书·卓茂传》:“凡人之生,羣居杂处,故有经纪礼义以相交接。汝独不欲修之,寧能高飞远走,不在人閒邪?” 宋 苏轼 《鱼蛮子》诗:“人间行路难,踏地出赋租。” 清 郑燮 《寄许生雪江》诗之二:“金紫人间事,縹緗我辈需。” 毛泽东 《念奴娇·昆仑》词:“横空出世,莽 崑崙 ,閲尽人间春色。”

  2. 尘世;世俗社会。

    《史记·留侯世家》:“愿弃人閒事,欲从 赤松子 游耳。” 晋 陶潜 《庚子岁五月中从都还阻风于规林》诗之二:“静念园林好,人间良可辞。” 宋 赵令畤 《侯鲭录》卷五:“丽质仙娥生月殿。謫向人间,未免凡情乱。” 清 潘荣陛 《帝京岁时纪胜·十二月·稽善恶》:“廿三日送灶上天,奏人间一年之善恶。”《红楼梦》第五回:“司人间之风情月债,掌尘世之女怨男痴。” 巴金 《春天里的秋天》十九:“难道在天上也和在人间一样,爱情也是不自由的吗?”

  3. 民间。

    《后汉书·王昌传》:“普天率土,知朕隐在人间。”《南史·齐高帝纪》:“ 明帝 ( 宋明帝 )嫌帝( 萧道成 )非人臣相,而人间流言,帝当为天子, 明帝 愈以为疑。”《新唐书·杜正伦传》:“朕年十八,犹在人间,情伪无不尝。” 清 王士禛 《池北偶谈·谈艺四·吴皇后临<兰亭>》:“宪 圣慈烈皇后 尝临《兰亭帖》,佚在人间, 咸宁 郡王 韩世忠 得之,表献。”


  • Legend has it that knowledge of yoga was first passed by Lord Shiva to his wife Parvati and from there into the lives of men.


  • No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the Invisible Hand which conducts the affairs of men more than those of the United States.


  • In this way has the Lord dealt with me in the days in which He looked upon me to take away my reproach among men.


  • Please be assured that the beginning of Thanksgiving from the heart, the warmth of human love.


  • When an Enlightened Master descends to Earth, the entire staff of Her heavenly office comes with Her to serve people who have affinity.


  • he was thinking how natural and natural and unaffected her manner was now that the ice between them had been broken.


  • The bondage of being a living being no longer applies to you and the suffering that you experience as a human being can no longer happen.


  • Of course I should mind. Sex is a private thing Between me and Julia; and of course I should mind anyone else trying to mix in.


  • How much do you charge for a single room with breakfast?
